Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Leg Keeps Twitching

life one day ...

He who knows how to live!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

How Many Calories Are In Popcorn With Po

but what good news! What a world ... Live life

Survey shock of the Society of Pediatrics on Italian teenagers, in love, alcohol and smoking

Little girls and sex: 12 years with unlimited

When asked "What do you want to be?" the first place the tissue on the second "Do not know"

ROMA — L’allarme è stato come un fascio di luce che acceca: ci sono baby squillo sulle strade. Ce l’hanno messe i loro coetanei, per pagare debiti del gioco d’azzardo. Giuliano Amato, ministro dell’Interno, ha lanciato un sasso, l’altro giorno. E adesso rischia di venire giù una montagna. Perché quella del titolare del Viminale è la punta dell’iceberg. Ma basta fermarsi un attimo e scoprire che l’infanzia più tradizionale, ormai, non riesce a superare le classi elementari. Perché: c’erano una volta i bambini. E le bambine che giocavano con le bambole. Avevano dodici-tredici anni. E la Società italiana di pediatria (la Sip) li interrogava with questions like which newspapers run in your house? Do you use computers? What event that impressed you most this year? The latest research done so is dated 2003: it was no longer any good. Certainly not to depict the reality. And now to read the latest research of the Society of pediatricians led by Pasquale Di Pietro, that of 2006, shudder. Just today, that even in Italy we celebrate the Day of the Child. Sample: 1,251 children aged 12 to 14 years. One question. One of the many of the questionnaire: "Have you ever seen a drunk friend?". Yes, said 37.4% of the sample. Not only that, the 8, 4% adds a lot. Another question: do you know someone among your friends who have smoked a joint? And this time, almost one in two (44.3%) to answer a round: Yes. Another example? Three in four children do not hesitate to confess to things they themselves define risky as drunk, in fact, drinking liquor, taking drugs, going out alone late at night, have unprotected sex. Yes: have sex often, our former children.

Educational models
Gustavo Pietropolli Charmet developmental psychiatrist, has no doubts: "The anticipation of the stages of development is due to educational models. How to tell? Were mom and dad who wanted to happen, they are given be done to diversify the cultural model that they had received. Have accelerated the social skills of their children. They have taken away their guilt, the sense of fear. Just try to believe. Just enter seventh grade in any of Italy and understand that it is impossible to make these kids feel guilty or somehow put them in fear. " He succeeds so well in the second State average of Gela, Sicily? "The boys are very determined, it is true," Ela Aliosta guarantees, dean of the college to retirement. I am forty years that Mrs. Aliosta has to do with the kids of the medium. He says now: "I am changed. A lot. Physically, first of all, once the females arrive girls in middle school. Today, women already look like when they come in first. Especially for how to dress, makeup, combing their hair. With the complicity of their parents, of course. "

"I'm the vellum"
Or the Cubist, the showgirl, dancer. In the more traditional questions: "What do you want to be?" The girls interviewed by the Society of pediatricians have in fact put in the first place: I want to do "celebrity." And until there is not a sensational discovery. It is, however, that, taken this perspective, the gap remains: the second preferences of girls is, in fact, a disarming: "I do not I know. " "I am twelve years now I have the Cubist call me princess" is the title of the book of Marida Pijola Lombardo, a journalist-mother who is not by chance has thrown confusion among mums and dads. He uncovered the world of afternoon clubs, leaving parents bewildered swarms of girls in front of phrases like: "If you're a woman, the Cubist. No longer a little girl. With customers of the disco intrigues only if you like. And you can get paid ...». It is not fantasy. It's something that we came from a few years, probably imported from the United States once again. It was the 2003 "Thirteen, 13 years," the film-shock set in Los Angeles starring two girls (thirteen, in fact) who live vite sempre più pericolose tra sesso promiscuo, droga, fumo, alcol, piccoli furti, accenni di lesbismo. «Sono vent'anni che insegno nella scuola media di Centocelle, a Roma», dice Margherita D'Onofri, insegnante di scienze. E spiega: «Soltanto negli ultimi anni, però, ho visto cambiare gli atteggiamenti durante i campi scuola, ovvero quelle gite che consentono ai ragazzi di dormire fuori dalla propria città. Adesso anche nelle prime classi stanno svegli tutta la notte e si mescolano dentro le stanze. Fino a poco tempo fa non succedeva».

fonte corriere.it

Monday, November 19, 2007

Personalized Ribbon Printing Machine

La vita è bellezza, ammirala
La vita è beatitudine, assaporala
La vita è un sogno, Make it a reality
Life is a challenge, meet it
Life is a duty, life is a compile
Life is precious, take care of them
Life is a treasure, keep it
Life is love, Godin .
Life is a mystery, find out
Life is a promise, adempila
Life is sorrow, overtake
Life is a song, sing
Life is a struggle, accept it
Life is an adventure, rischiala
Life is happiness, Meritalia
Life is life, defend

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Where To Buy Jordan Almonds In Toronto

Italy - Scotland

Today is decisive! Forza Ragazzi!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Cover Letter For Futureshop

tired of this world rolls

You can not die for a football match, or civil servants who are ...
The Italians are a nation of repressed, seeking any excuse to show off their dissatisfaction. It 's time to say enough! It does not take the pardon, it takes severe punishment! But mainly we need someone who intended to calm these people in the lurch ... I'm not proud to be Italian ...
For those wishing to leave a final farewell to the last victim of this war here is the address of his blog http://www.myspace.com/gabbodj

Friday, November 9, 2007

How To Drain Pus From Gums

Teacher of life

Who is master in ' art of living makes little distinction

between their work and their play,

between their fatigue and its fun,

between your mind and your body, your

study and their own leisure,

his love and his religion.

hardly knows which is the two.

simply pursuing its own ideal of excellence

in everything he does,

leaving it to others to decide if

is working or 're playing.

In his eyes, in fact,

he is always doing both.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Getting Nipples Pierced


Here's what we are living, our belief ... Yuck! (Ps do not you print it)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Can You Get Herpes On Arms

reflection ...

I think the world is increasingly in shambles: war, terrorism and gratuitous violence are rife. Yesterday was a blow to the Mafia and the state has boasted of this event ... nothing to brag about in my opinion have only done their duty. Their pride would be to avoid becoming mere boys into criminals ... Their pride would not allow anyone to come to "control" in Italy ... Their pride would be to get every family later this month ... We must react quickly and ... We are the fruit!

Monday, November 5, 2007

How To Get Smell Out Of Tent

I learned ...

I learned ... that nobody is perfect ... Until you fall in love.
I learned ... that life is hard ..... But I more!
I learned ... that opportunities are never perse.Quelle that you let go ... someone else takes the
I learned ... Serbian resentment and bitterness that when happiness is somewhere else.
I learned ... that should Always use good words ... Because tomorrow maybe you should stay.
I learned .. that a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your appearance.
I learned ... I can not choose how I feel ... But I can always do something.
I learned ... that when your newly born child holds your little finger in his hand .... I was hooked for life.
I learned ... everyone wants to live on the mountain .... But all the happiness and growth occurs while the airports.
I learned ... you need to enjoy the journey and not just think about the goal.
I learned ... it is better to give advice only on two occasions ...
When required and when life depends.
I learned ... less time to waste .. do more things.