Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chesterfield Sofa Replacement Cushions


Start with a bang for the Nardò that will debut Sunday, Sept. 26 at home against Bari, here is the complete schedule of team grenade:

1 ^ BARI (CASA) 26/09/10 at 18:30
2^QUELLI CHE BRINDISI (TRASFERTA) 02/10/10 ore 17:30
3^CEGLIE (TRASFERTA) 10/10/10 ore 18
4^BARLETTA (CASA) 17/10/10 ore 18:30
5^FBK TRANI (TRASFERTA) 23/10/10 ore 19
6^INVICTA BRINDISI (CASA) 31/10/10 ore 18:30
7^CUS TARANTO (TRASFERTA) 06/11/10 ore 17:30
8^RUVO (CASA) 14/11/10 ore 18:30
9^CASTELLANA (TRASFERTA) 20/11/10 ore 19
10^SAN VITO (CASA) 28/11/10 ore 18:30
11^MENS SANA MESAGNE (TRASFERTA) 04/12/10 ore 19:30
12^SANTERAMO (CASA) 08/12/10 ore 18:30
14 ^ 18 hours EAGLES BRINDISI (CASA) 19/12/10 at 18:30
15 ^ LIBERTAS TARANTO (away) 06/01/11 18 hours


1 ^ BARI (away) 08/01/11
2 ^ 18 hours THAN THAT BRINDISI (CASA) 16/01/11 at 18:30
3 ^ CEGLIE (CASA) 23/01/11 at 18:30
4 ^ Barletta (away) 30/01/11 18 hours
5 ^ FBK TRANI (CASA) 06/02/11 at 18:30
6 ^ INVICTA BRINDISI (away) 12/02/11 17 hours: 30
7 ^ CUS TARANTO (CASA) 20/02/11 at 18:30
RUVO 8 ^ (away) 26/02/11 at 20:15
9^CASTELLANA (CASA) 06/03/11 ore 18:30
10^SAN VITO (TRASFERTA) 12/03/11 ore 18:30
11^MENS SANA MESAGNE (CASA) 27/03/11 ore 18:30
12^SANTERAMO (TRASFERTA) 03/04/11 ore 18:30
13^POSEIDONE BRINDISI (CASA) 10/04/11 ore 18:30
14^EAGLES BRINDISI (TRASFERTA) 16/04/11 ore 18:30
15^LIBERTAS TARANTO (CASA) 21/04/11 ore 20:30

Chili Pattern Costumes

Deaf-Todisco, the full circle of Nardo confirmed

Chiude il capitolo riconferme l'Aido Nardò del presidente Carlo Durante, successfully concluded agreements with the center of the Deaf and Argentine guard Carlos Ivan Todisco, so that they will continue to wear the jacket grenade.
Colella, Leucci, Sordi, Todisco, Pezzarossa, Neretina patrol led by Captain Daniel Dell'Anna, through Durante, Guardian Angel, in the year Michael Carlino, to which you add the shots of the market Gianluca Rollo and Simon Brown with the addition of three boys in the youth sector, the play-call duty during Gabriele ('92), the center Schito Michele ('92) and guard Stephen ('93). This is the roster available to coach load, which works hard for a week, under orders of the trainer prof. Virgin. After the first week of work entirely devoted to the Athletics, the troops grenade, after the session Athletics this afternoon, will start working in the field with the ball on Thursday and Friday, respectively, in Carmarthen and sweaters, given the unavailability of tensostatico Nardò district due to adapt the structure.
All or almost ready to fly home in Nardo.

New Basketball Nardò
Mandolfo Valentino

Deaf and Carlos Ivan Todisco still GRENADE

Monday, August 16, 2010

Soprano Moonlight Bunny Ranch


Starts tomorrow afternoon, the season of Nardo in the pine forest of Porto Selvaggio, on the orders of new technical staff grenade: Uploaded Antonio coach, coach Giancarlo Marinaci second, trainer Salvatore Virgin. First week of work devoted exclusively to the athletics. The group will begin tomorrow, the phase Pre-season is as follows:

Joseph Carlino
Guardian Angel Alexander
Pezzarossa Raffaele
Daniel Todisco Ivan
Leucci Thomas
Rollo Gianluca Colella Michele Sordi
Fabrizio Bruno Gabriele Simone
swear Stefano
Schito Michele

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Evening Gowns For Rent Ny

Arriva Simone Bruno

According to a new face home Nardo, reached an agreement with the play-call Simone Bruno '90 class, the product of the youth of New Basketball Lecce, spent the last two season with the jersey of the Basketball Club Lecce in the first and second year in regional C C1.
Regarding rinconferme found agreements with most of the group of last season, starting with Captain Daniel Dell'Anna, through Coleman, Leucci, Durante, Guardian Angel, Carlino, Michael Pezzarossa and Year last few days that will undergo a new intervention, this time at the meniscus. In the pipeline negotiations for the reappointment of Ivan Todisco and central Argentine Carlos Deaf.
ranks grenade after two days of test atletici, partirà con la fase di preparazione atletica in vista del prossimo torneo di C regionale, martedì 17 presso la pineta di Porto Selvaggio agli ordini del preparatore atletico prof. Salvatore Vergine.
Sul versante Tensostatico, proseguono i lavori di adeguamento della struttura neretina, che prevederà anche il rifacimento necessario del terreno di gioco, con le nuove tracciature imposte dalla Federazione, già vigenti, dal 1 Luglio scorso. L'amministrazione comunale e l'impresa appaltatrice assicurano, al team del presidente Carlo Durante, la consegna della struttura per settembre.
Il Nardò 2010/11 targato Antonio Caricato è pronto a partire per una nuova avventura. Il roster allestito è the highest level, but between saying and doing is half of the field and from 26 September, when the tournament kicks off the C region, we will see what stuff is made the new Nardo.

New Basketball Nardò
Mandolfo Valentino

Simone Bruno and Captain Daniel Dell'Anna

Friday, August 13, 2010

Cost Or Warrior Fitness


New Basketball Nardò wishes to pay the best wishes to the new dad Joseph Carlino and his wife Valeria, for the birth of little Martina.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Men Eyebrows Threaded

AIDO new main sponsor of the grenade

The AIDO (Italian-Association-Donors-organisms), "Aldo Pagliara" will be the new main sponsor of the Basketball New Nardo, for season 2010/11. Concluded on the morning of the association agreement between the President and those responsible for Nardò district Carlo During Neretina section. Also confirmed the relationship with the Fidas (section Nardo). Other new features include the technical staff, the new coach will have as his deputy Antonio Uploaded Giancarlo Marinaci Nardo and former coach of Luxor Magic Basketball Tauranga, new trainer prof. Salvatore Virgin, former coach of the troop Neretina in the seasons 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08.

New Basketball Nardò
Mandolfo Valentino

Fidas AIDO And along with Nardò