Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Blood Sugar Is 7.4 Am I Diabetic

Nardo, winning debut

Bruno15, Battistini I, Colella13,
Dell'Anna7, G. During I, Ferilli,
Leucci, Rollo18, Sordi14, Todisco10.
Coach: Antonio

Argento17, Carulli2, Donno2,
Gatta12, Infante4, Liuzzi11, Lillo6,
Musto, Maietta6, Scavo3.
Coach: Mark Lattanzio

REFEREES: Calella (Cisternino) Enrichens (Brindisi)
PARTIAL: 22-13/52-31/64-46/77-63
RELEASED FOR 5 FOULS: Maietta (Bari).

MONTERONI-winning debut for Aido Nardo, and neutral Monteroni, the first day of the championship, beating the "baby" Bari first two points for the first grenade and hooray for the coach on the bench Neretina Uploaded Antonio.
The race, the coach recovers grenade bruised Deaf and Leucci, presenting the first two-ball with: Colella, Bruno, Leucci, Deaf and Rollo, responds with the Bari: Musto, Liuzzi, Scavo, Maietta, Silver. First quarter pretty well balanced, with Nardo taking over in mid-term. Under the blows of a relentless Simone Bruno, who does not regret the departure of Pezzarossa and play Michael Coleman, the first village on ends Nardò +9: 22-13.
second quarter, the Neretina begin to expand. It unleashes the duo of "giants", Gianluca Rollo and Carlos Deaf under the basket. Bruno Colella and act as finishers for garnet diamond points, 4 assists for the first and 5 for the second and flies on +21:52-31 Nardo.
Quite pleased the large audience present at Monteroni Nardò district.
In the second half, continuing the monologue Nardò district, coach Gianluca Rollo Uploaded does catch his breath, he entered the captain Daniel Dell'Anna putting together another show immediately replaced Ivan Todisco. The team Bari, despite the large gap in technical, rip applause, all the guard Gatta '92 class, but against a particular Nardò there is little to do. Leucci, in the year and the deaf have to rebound better, to several Infante, Liuzzi and Carulli. The grenade close the third leg on +18: 64-46.
Last quarter, coach Uploaded calls for continued vigilance to their boys, with Ferilli and friends who continue to spread. Daniel becomes the protagonist of the year by the new line of 3-point bomb at the end of the captain of the 24 seconds of possession. Colella, Rollo and Todisco put the result in the safe, carrying in his pocket the first two points this season. Objective: To start with the right foot, the team reached the President Carlo Durante, albeit against a modest opponent who showed a good understanding of teamwork and an attack on a large dusting. As for the Bari, the errors of youth, there may be, for a team that boasts an average age of 18 years, the youngest of the tournament, certainly the team coach Lattanzio sell dearly in the championship to win to remain in up the regional championship. Returning to the grenade, after this happened, certainly no sleep on our laurels and will resume work Tuesday, to continue to take off a lot of satisfaction in the course of this season, the first of the post Marzano. Next Saturday, the most arduous undertaking, travel in Brindisi, against those who toast Laghezza coach, direct competitor in the race for the playoffs. The first success came on the next.

New Basketball Nardò
Mandolfo Valentino
Simone Bruno # 17, starting with a bang, the grenade under

Friday, September 24, 2010

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Fasten your seat belts: TAKE-OFF !!!!!!! This time he won the

Si parte, domani alle ore 20:30 sul neutro di Monteroni, la Nuova Pallacanestro Nardò partirà nella sua quarta avventura nel massimo campionato regionale di C2.
Il nuovo coach Antonio Caricato, alla prima esperienza nel campionato di C2 da allenatore, proverà a ripetere, se non migliorare, lo score del suo predecessore Gianni Marzano, ovvero il sesto posto nella regular season e l'eliminazione al primo turno play-off a scapito del Barletta. Il sodalizio neretino, del presidente Carlo Durante, ha pensato anche quest'anno in grande, potenziando notevolmente il roster dello scorso campionato, ai partenti: Pagliula, Gravili, Pezzarossa, Giungato e Vaglio Giulio seppur in doppio tesseramento with the Luxor Nardo (D), have arrived: Gianluca Rollo, return to the motherland for him, Simon Brown, David Ferilli latter to be added to the package under the format this year Neretina: Michele year, over the next to return to the field, Michele Battistini, Stefano Gabriele During and swear, not to mention some of the reconfirmed the troops, to director Michael Cole were joined by the Thomas higlander Leucci, the punter Carlos Sordi, through Captain Daniel Dell'Anna, Fabrizio Durante, Alessandro Giuseppe Carlino and Guardian Angel. Roster of ambitious goals, which will have its first test tomorrow against the renewed Bari Bari President Adria Bernardi, who this year turned ' Corato the nursery of the young company B amateurs. Various: Infante, Clement, silver, Caruth and the newest Argentiero, all guys are the property Corato, company B amateurs, come to Bari, with the well known, the formula of double membership. Average age of the roster Bari 18 years, Young is also the coach, Mark Lattanzio 31, who already has experience in the Regional C tournament, with Barletta. I hang all the underdogs from the grenade, but never say never in basketball. Surely the team Bari, will try to give a hard time at the quoted Nardo, but Dell'Anna Daniel and his companions will be as shrewd not to fall into the trap of coach Lattanzio, partendo subito con il piede giusto, con il piglio di una big.
Ricordiamo che il match si disputerà, sul campo neutro di Monteroni, per via dei lavori di adeguamento della struttura del Pala Giannone, in fase di ultimazione. Coach Caricato recupera Tommaso Leucci, ma si porterà sino all'arrivo sul parquet monteronese, il dubbio di Carlos Sordi non al meglio per un problema alla caviglia, pronto Fabrizio Durante, prime convocazioni in C2 per gli under Michele Battistini e Gabriele Durante.
Ecco la lista completa dei convocati per il match contro il Bari:
5-Battistini Michele
7-Todisco Ivan
8-Dell'Anna Daniele
10-Ferilli David Thomas Leucci
During Gabriele
Rollo Gianluca Colella Michele
Deaf 16-17-Simone Bruno
BALL-TWO HOURS 20:30; conducting the interview the gentlemen of Calella debut in C2 and Enrichens Cisternino Brindisi. LET'S FINALLY, UNDER NPNARDO '!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

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Monteroni and fills the infirmary Infirmary

Monteroni The wins, the friendly match played yesterday, the second between the two formations. Good evidence of Neretina that per due quarti sono andati avanti nel punteggio, non completando l'opera nell'ultima frazione. Ultima frazione caratterizzata dall'infortunio al sopracciglio capitato a Tommaso Leucci, otto punti di sutura per lui. E dopo i vari Dell'Anna M., Carlino, Durante G., Sordi ora anche Leucci e sabato parte il campionato. Tornando al match di ieri sera, in grande spolvero gli ex monteronesi Gianluca Rollo e Michele Colella, mattatori della serata, si è rivisto in campo Ivan Todisco, rimasto a riposo venerdì scorso per una infiammazione al ginocchio.
Martedì riprenderà la preparazione a Carmiano per gli uomini di coach Caricato, in vista del debutto in campionato contro il Bari. La società neretina comunica, che a seguito del prolungarsi to adapt the structure of the Pala Giannone, the game against Bari will be played Saturday at 20:30 on 25 neutral Monteroni.

NARDO TABLES ': Angel Custode4, Todisco4, Dell'Anna2, Ferilli, Leucci3, Rollo27,
Colella14, Bruno5, Durante6, Battistini, swear.

New Basketball Nardò
Mandolfo Valentino continued their unbeaten

Saturday, September 18, 2010

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still full, but the field will always win New

of Nardo, this tour de force of friendlies. Last night, the field of Poseidon Brindisi Neretina prevailed, +30 the final, the team Brindisi. Many absences home Nardo, Michele Dell'Anna, si sono aggiunti, Ivan Todisco (infiammazione al ginocchio), Carlos Sordi (distorsione alla caviglia), Giuseppe Carlino ( stiramento all'inguine) e Gabriele Durante (problemi al ginocchio). Infermeria piena, che non ha impedito certo agli uomini di coach Caricato, di portare in porto la gara. Quintetto iniziale: Colella, Bruno, Leucci, Rollo e Dell'Anna. Buona la vena realizzativa di tutto il team neretino, in primis il capitano Daniele Dell'Anna. Solite conferme per i vari: Colella, Bruno, Leucci e Gianluca Rollo e ottime risposte anche da chi è subentrato in corso d'opera come Fabrizio Durante, Alessandro Dell'Angelo Custode e del neo acquisto Davide Ferilli, ma anche da Michele Battistini, guardia neretina del '90, appena affiliated companies from the President Carlo Durante. Tomorrow another test for the troops grenade, a new derby Monteroni.
News, meanwhile, for the youth sector, the company Neretina under 17 provincial championships take place and under 14 Devils center of Nardo.

New Basketball Nardò
Mandolfo Valentino

Michele Battistini, added another on the roster under Nardò district

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Chicken Farm Sample Business Plan

under: David Ferilli

New home under NPNardò, it is the guard David Ferilli class '91. Ferilli lands to the company's President Carlo Durante, with the formula of dual membership with the mallet owner of his label, doing so will play both the regional championship with Nardo C and the D series with the mallet. Last year David Ferilli has worn the jersey of the sweaters in D and the year before along with the protagonist Neo grenade Simone Bruno, promotion to C1 of the Basketball Club Lecce.
The department under, as the senior will be excellent, to Michele reconfirmed this year which started the work of physical therapy after the second operation, this time to the meniscus, adding the new purchases and in fact Simone Bruno David Ferilli, together with some element of the Under 19 as Gabriele Durante, Stephen Jury, and Michael Policastro.
's team coach, while continuing to work at a fast pace, without the central Argentine Carlos Sordi out for a week due to a sprained ankle remedied in last Sunday's friendly match in Monteroni. Friday
new friendly against Poseidon to Brindisi Brindisi formation of C region.
Welcome to David Ferilli, number 10 shirt for him
New Basketball Nardò
Mandolfo Valentino

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How To Decorate A Metal Chair

Pezzarossa in Ceglie (B amateur)

Official passage, on loan, the guard Pezzarossa Raffaele class 90, in Ceglie (B2) of coach Antonio Lezzi Salento. The company Neretina would like to thank the player for his efforts in questi due anni di militanza a Nardò. Il team neretino augura al ragazzo, le migliori fortune per la sua nuova esperienza cestistica.

In bocca al lupo, Raffaele

Ufficio Stampa Nuova Pallacanestro Nardò Mandolfo Valentino

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Nuovo test amichevole per la New Basketball Nardo, who will take the field Friday in Brindisi, for the third friendly match, the opponent's turn Poseidon Brindisi, fished in the formation of C regional championship, which counts among its ranks the center and those former Lecce Brindisi, Michele Serpentine . Today's men prepare to resume Uploaded Antonio Cus Lecce and will be assessed the conditions of the central Argentine Carlos Sordi, released prematurely from the friendly Monteroni, for a sprained ankle. GOOD HOPE

Monday, September 13, 2010

Cheer Sayings About Bulldogs

you keep winning

Nardi won the second game against the highest rated Monteroni. After the success of last Thursday on the jerseys, the team last night during President Carlo grenade was imposed sul parquet monteronese con il punteggio di 68-71. Le due squadre hanno disputato 5 tempi da 10 minuti.
Grossi passi avanti per gli uomini di coach Caricato, soprattutto in fase difensiva. Il duo dei giganti buoni Sordi-Rollo continua ad impressionare sotto canestro. Buone risposte anche dagli altri componenti del roster neretino su tutti: Colella, Dell'Anna, Todisco, Bruno, Leucci e Durante. Rispetto alla gara con il Maglie, coach Caricato effettua solo un cambio nel quintetto iniziale, capitan Dell'Anna parte dall'inizio al posto di Gianluca Rollo, completano il quintetto iniziale: Colella, Bruno, Leucci, Sordi e appunto Dell'Anna. Gli uomini di Caricato, dopo esser stati sotto nel punteggio, ma no nel gioco, per tre quarti, nell'ultimo quarter operating overtaking on cousins, with the wild Simone Bruno and excellent Todisco, Colella, Deaf and Rollo. Excellent evening, the host team, the center Paiano and former Lord Vincent. Did not take part for the friendly Monteroni: Parisi and Luisi, while absent in the ranks grenade bruised Giuseppe Carlino and Gabriele Durante. Rest day today for Aido Nardo, will resume work tomorrow at the Cus Lecce. Market output is to formalize the deal with the amateurs of B Ceglie, to borrow Raffaele Pezzarossa.

NARDO TABLES ': Angel Custode4, Todisco12, Dell'Anna5, Leucci2, Rollo10, Colella5,
Sordi18, Durante6, Bruno9, Battistini.

New Basketball Nardò
Mandolfo Valentino

Friday, September 10, 2010

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Sgambati First official for the New Basketball coach Nardi Uploaded Antonio, who yesterday at Pala Cus Lecce, beat shirts, training series D, 83-50 .
Apart from the round results, which in this period is the time to leave, good athletic form of grenade troops. Already climate championship pair of long, Gianluca Rollo and Carlos Sordi, were not less than the director Michele Colella Leucci then passing, in the year, Todisco, Durante F., Guardian Angel and Simone Bruno author of the first basket shell of the season 2010/11. Uploaded Coach drew, as well as good responses in terms of athleticism, a lot of cues from the tactical point of view, we will continue to work to improve more and more this looks like it should be. The team will continue to work tonight and Sunday tactical Lecce Monteroni second test against the team's new coach monteronese Romano, superior opponent ready to defend the colors in the near Salento C amateur championship.

NARDO TABLES ': Carlino, Angel Custode6, Todisco12, Dell'Anna8, Leucci7, Rollo14,
Colella6, Sordi14, Bruno8, during F.4, G.4 During.

New Basketball Nardò
Mandolfo Valentino

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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Iniziano le amichevoli in casa Nardò, la truppa di coach Caricato dopo la seduta atletica di questo pomeriggio a Galatone, disputerà nella serata di domani un match amichevole contro il Maglie (D) di coach Federico Quarta. Teatro della sfida sarà il Pala Cus di Lecce, in attesa della fine dei lavori al Pala Giannone. E' partita anche la stagione del settore giovanile neretino, in attesa di partire con l'under 19, si inzia a lavorare con l'under 15 del Centro Devils Nardò, da quest'anno società satellite della Nuova Pallacanestro Nardò. I ragazzi, oltre all'apporto della responsabile del centro Fabiana Liquori, saranno allenati dal coach della prima squadra Antonio Caricato.
Tornando Chapter first team, in what concerns the market, the company's president Carlo Durante, in the coming hours the arrival of a new ufficializzerà under.

New Basketball Nardò
Mandolfo Valentino