Junior Football
This week, they outlined what are the latest market operations. After 15 days of training with the team, signed and then joined the military for Sunday midfielder Umberto Stellato (28), released in December by Roccasecca Excellency Lazio and former Termoli and Vastogirardi in previous seasons, and the ' '92 class striker Pierluigi Nocera , already with Virtus last year, back from a first half of the season with the coat of Roccaravindola Sampdoria. At the beginning of December, has returned from a loan under promising school Matese: The attacker De Sisto (' 91), which has already played the whole match of last season. Outgoing reluctantly left the team goalkeeper Di Rienzo '91 class who have followed the family moved to another region. Takes its place in the junior goalkeeper Scognamiglio (18), which is not betraying the expectations given the good performance in training, although the company is vigilant in the market, if it were under some class '91 released, with more experience in the category. Not rule out a return of Di Rienzo, according to the news that is still without a team, and released, and should they return to finding accommodations in Caserta, reindosserebbe welcomes white-blue.
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