Monday, February 28, 2011

Can You Buy Whippits At The Grocery Store?

Junior Regional Santangiolese M. Virtus - Virtus M.Santangiolese

Continue to run the pair head for the under matesino . Four goals for the Vairano hope to grab second place at least useful for the regional finals. The Santangiolese for reasons other than has a reduced bone formation, with only Di Rienzo on the bench, but stops the clothes and wearing the goalkeeper's jersey number 17. Vairano also counted with the players, and with different class '94 'and 95' in the field. It would seem obvious but a lot do not, in fact, get set, go, and guests have the advantage. Comes from an innocuous ball to score. Scognamiglio outgoing and Riccio do not understand, I'll take it, take you, instead emerges Rico who steals the ball from a tight angle and put inside. The home side did not appear in the day, and the first twenty minutes it can not produce the game. Guests do not conclude much, in fact, except goals, worries not ever Scognamiglio, but they defend well, giocano duro e agiscono di rimessa. Al 25esimo c'è la prima conclusione ad opera di Napoletano che si spegne sopra la traversa. Due minuti dopo ci prova Ricci ma il pallone è ampiamente alto. Al minuto 30 finalmente arriva il pareggio: calcio d'angolo, ne nasce una mischia in area, tiro di Riccio da due passi ma il portiere respinge col corpo, ancora Riccio ritorna sul pallone e mette dentro l'uno a uno. C'è il tempo di vedere un'altra conclusione spedita alta sopra la traversa, stavolta da De Sisto e poi al 36esimo arriva il vantaggio. Punizione dal limite defilata sulla destra, e sulla palla va lo specialista Vecchio che non sbaglia; la barriera salta mentre il calciatore è lesto a far passare il pallone rasoterra tra i piedi dei difensori e centrare the corner. The first part ends with the Matese is falling a little after the advantage, risking a little something behind. In the second half is a real battle against the goalkeeper White, a '94 class really interesting, that all para. To record the entry in the field of Di Rienzo (goalkeeper who must assume the role of striker for the occasion), replacing the injured Napoletano. The door seems haunted, they try with the succession of minutes several times both De Sisto, is Sgueglia, both old, but the conclusion is wrong. When your aim is just like the 70th Di Nardo from outside the box, we think to save the white door with a great speech. The third goal late in arriving and the other facing the Vairano nearly equalizer, not a little angry that Mr. De Tato. At 78 'there is finally a goal of 3 to 1. Sgueglia ball inside for Di Rienzo who finds himself all alone in front of the goalkeeper but stumbles to throw (you can see who is a goalkeeper ed), fortunately coming from behind in the race De Sisto, pushing the ball in the network without the intervention of White. Two minutes from the edge of Ricci and bag his fourth goal to close the meeting. The last few minutes are just melina to spend the time, and the referee sends all without recovery in the shower. Monday comes the game of truth, in fact it goes against Roccaravindola the first class. If you win you are still running, otherwise there may be healthy le fasi finali regionali. Vedremo...

Scognamiglio, De Vizio, Persiconi, Ricciardi, Riccio, Vecchio, Di Nardo, Ricci, Napoletano (46' Di Rienzo) De Sisto, Sgueglia

MARCATORI: 30' Riccio, 36' Vecchio, 78' De Sisto, 80'Ricci

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Heal Skin Indentations

Vairano 4-1, 3-0 Roccasicura

Tre punti d'oro da mettere in cantiere. Per la salvezza bisogna vincere tutti gli scontri diretti, ed è quello che finora stanno facendo gli uomini di Tino. Il comunale "G.Carullo" deve essere un fortino, come chiede il mister alla squadra, e i ragazzi non stanno tradendo le aspettative: two direct matches played at home and as many victories.
Roccasicura We knew that was not much. The bottom side of the championship has already half a foot in the promotion, but never underestimate your opponent. Leg was only a draw. And in fact for 75 minutes, the visiting team has made the barricades and it seemed that the match would end with an x \u200b\u200bmark, despite playing a single port, but an 'author has paved the way all'undici white and blue.
Santangiolese who must do without even De Bals, injured, and the suspended Di Lullo. In goal back after three months spent away from the team Di Rienzo. The '91 class had left the door Matese in December to follow his family to Rome, but now has found an accommodation for a week and is back in pink. He sees himself on the bench after a three months' other ex, or Chianese, who was released in December, but was reinstated in the week also rose.
race that was one way, the inactive door to the entire ninety minutes. Roccasicura that it became dangerous only on dead-ball, with some punishment from 30 meters to the side kick badly and a couple of corner badly exploited. On the sufficiency only Cutolo, a man anywhere, true soul of the team and at least try some Ancona thrust on the wing and look for one on one. Good performance despite the goalkeeper Ciarlone the three goals conceded.
few minutes later the Virtus is already dangerous. Napoletano engages a perfect throw to the left of stars, is out two opponents, but is focused too close to the shot that grazes the post. 8 ', yet Napoletano Raucci served by leaving in place his direct opponent, into the area, is focused and takes a sure shot but there is action that brings excellent Ciarlone corner. 11 'there is a great cross from the left Napoletano, gored by Raucci best location, but still exceeds the guest goalkeeper. Three minutes later, an exchange from the edge of the area, is the conclusion must be that old but the ball goes over the crossbar. At 20 ' there is a knock on hitting the edge of the area with Colapietro that manages to go to the shooting but the ball is wide on the side. Five minutes passed and the Matese mulls two other occasions, thanks to the skill of the goalkeeper. Before we test Napoletano that hooks up with a nice technical gesture launched a ball from the back, drink half defense, the shooting, but Ciarlone responds with a big parade. Procured from the action that flows from the corner, Raucci is that with a great shot but try the feat Ciarlone instinctively deny the striker's goal of Campania. At the 40th Roccasicura finally shows up with an action worthy of the name. Cutolo Ancona is exploiting his speed to jump Napolitano, into the area, but ignoring mates well placed in front of the doors, try a shot unrealistic.
second tranche of the game and the script is always the same. You play to a door, Colapietro with replacing the Santangiolese Ibeh, to have more freshness and more speed on the right wing. The 55th is a ball in for that part Raucci ball and chain, jump across the defense, but a few meters from the door you eat a goal already shooting up the ball. Five minutes later, Santomassimo always serves from the back Raucci from twenty yards that starts a great shot that hit the crossbar in the middle. The door seems haunted, but the 72 'minute came the turning point. Santomassimo puts a great ball a spiovere in area Roccolana, e il nuovo entrato Lombardi, in campo da trenta secondi, tocca il suo primo pallone anticipando di testa il suo stesso portiere in uscita, e mettendo nella propria porta l'uno a zero Virtus. Se prima c'era una strada aperta, ora c'è un'autostrada per la Santangiolese, infatti gli ospiti crollano del tutto e Vecchio dalla distanza dopo uno scambio con De Tato, tenta un gran tiro che sfiora il montante sinistro. Ibeh spinge sulla fascia destra e all'81 trova il gol. Stellato per Ricci che appoggia sulla fascia per il nigeriano, che supera in velocità un avversario, scambia con Raucci che con un tocco dentro lo mette solo davanti al portiere, e il 23enne di Lagos non sbaglia. Due a zero e partita chiusa. Al 90esimo c'è gloria anche per Raucci che per tutti i 90 minuti aveva ingaggiato un vero e proprio duello con Ciarlone. Il bomber riceve dalla trequarti, si gira, salta due avversari e da 25 metri fa partire un tiro che non lascia scampo al portiere dopo il tocco del palo. Si conclude così questo match, tre punti importanti per la Santangiolese. Domenica ci sarà la sosta, e poi arriverà la difficile trasferta di Larino, ennesimo scontro diretto, contro un avversario che sta dimostrando di essere in salute negli ultimi tempi.

VIRTUS M. SANTANGIOLESE: Di Rienzo, Venditto, Napolitano,Vecchio, Grillo, Santomassimo, DeTato, Colapietro (46’Ibeh), Raucci, Stellato (85' Chianese), Napoletano (52'Ricci)
ALL.: Tino
Roccasicura: Ciarlone, Antenucci (78'Lombardi III), Di Pilla, Mazzocco, Caranci, D'Andrea (71 'I Lombardi), Ancona, Cenci (65' Di Cicco), Di Tomo, Cutolo, Herculaneum
ALL.: Sasso

SCORERS: 72 'aut.Lombardi, 81' Ibeh, 90 'Raucci

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wreastling Shoes Size 10

Petacciato - Virtus M. Santangiolese 4-1

A defeat which came as anger, and what we have seen in the field. A trip, Petacciato that leads to anything good in the house Sant'Angelo, in fact carries over to the defeat, polemic for arbitration and beyond. In fact, before
the race there was a 'heated discussion between the phone vice-president of Virtus, Ferrazzano, and the chairman of the Regional Committee Molise LND, Di Cristinzi. Arrived on the field team found itself as the same referee who 20 days earlier had been put on notice by the company, by letter to the federation, following the clearly get a lot of damage against the Matese well in 4 races, and that therefore could not be designated by regulation for the race itself.
After threatening not to start the race, it was decided to start and to honor the championship, come what may. The Santangiolese looks full, but De Bals injured (for the bad do it now the last race), and De Simone, who left the team this week to contrast with other players, and whose situation remains to be clarified.
Petacciato without the suspended Cozzolino, but the phenomenon Esposito from the first minute.
race that starts with six minutes late because of the number ten matesino Stellato, he feels bad, but then fails to start the game. Start the race and you see a beautiful immediately Santangiolese, well fielded. The ball is held by all the sinks of the two host and external attack and Old Colapietro hurt. Just Old makes attempts to scoring on two occasions but it is well anticipated by his direct marker. At the 15th Matese pressure translates into a series of scoring. Launch of Stellato in for Old is focused and try the deflected for a corner by the goalkeeper. Corner wrought in and out of the head of De Tato nearly the pole a few inches. On the other hand, Edwards is the only one who tries to revive his team. The attacker is elusive and hard way to serve the people of Tino to keep him at bay. There are many fouls against him. Minute 25 and the visiting team goes ahead. Launch millimeter in depth Stellato for Old and the young talent matesino engages with the left, jump on his direct opponent, into the area and make a cross shot low to the ground on which it throws in that split Raucci Virtus is 0 to 1. After five minutes is always to be Santangiolese dangerous beautiful overlay on the right Napolitano well served by Colapietro, the '92 class into the area, miraculous detour and cross low shot that the goalkeeper prevents the poor wretch winning De Tato Raucci and well posted. From the corner star hotel in the middle but the ball goes through the area and on the other side of Old ricrossa walk to the center where there is a resounding keeps on hitting with a deflection of a defender to save his home port . It's not over here, because the foul side, Rauch receives the ball, jump two strong opponents, but then is spread on the right line of the penalty area. Free kick, the ball the same Raucci, a powerful shot round and full crossbar. It 's a veritable siege ten minutes of fire that appears near doubling of the host, but the home team going into the goal. Usually suffered from dead-ball goal, which unfortunately we have seen often this year, at least 50% of goals made was the result of corner or free kick. It 's the 38th, the flag goes Esposito, ex-head of Matthew is left alone, back to shore as the only package that fully pierces Recchia Di Lullo. The Matese try to react but the Petacciato close all gates and five minutes later with a shot from Edwards phenomenon brings to his advantage. Intervention in advance Grillo on Edwards on the trocar, the defender the attacker turns around avoiding it, but the pressure of the same, to protect ball, slips also undergoing an obvious push unseen by the referee, the talent of regaining the ball home, and 35 meters, do not think twice, look out posts and the goalie with a lob into the millimeter puts 2 to 1. Goals by applause. In the second half the guests must do without Stellato, who had already felt sick early in the race, and lose their key man in midfield. Nevertheless, the Santangiolese starts with the air and seems to just break even, even if the thrust yellow-black becomes more intense, not so much with Edwards, but with Avallone on the left, which is a thorn in the side of the Matese area. 57th comes the knockout blow for the visitors as a result of an absurd decision of the arbitrator. Tutto nasce da un svista dell'assistente di gara donna che assegna una punizione a favore degli ospiti per un fuorigioco che vede solo lei. Infatti prima l'arbitro assegna un fallo ai danni di Raucci, e poi incredibilmente inverte la decisione e da una punizione in favore, si passa ad una contro, e non per un fallo di gioco, ma per una  posizione di fuorigioco addirittura. Praticamente  non si capisce cosa abbia combinato la terna in tale circostanza. Dalla seguente battuta la palla arriva a Recchia che di prima intenzione mette dentro  per Di Matteo. La difesa è leggermente alta e Di Matteo, si trova di qualche metro in anticipo sui difensori ospiti, pronto a raggiungere la sfera.  Di Lullo  esce desperate, is about to touch the ball with his hands, but when he saw the advantage of being just outside the area and pulls back his hand, turning his back and fool the attacker is then anticipated that sweeps away by Napolitano. To the astonishment of all the referee whistled a penalty and ejected directly to the goalkeeper. Who knows the incredible decision because the goalkeeper pulls his hand back at the last second and then, however, was not last man because three defenders had recovered and were behind him. Mr. Tino takes a player (Ricci) and puts in the second goalkeeper Scognamiglio. Resulted from the punishment comes the third goal which is a blow to the heart. Edwards on the ball, and you know that someone like him is not wrong from 18 feet, and shot into the top corner. The game ends with this goal because the Matese feeling the pinch and no longer plays, offensive and suffered the forays of Petacciato. At 90 'minutes the referee to end the fourth goal in regal beauty. Mancuso received a long ball all alone and puts the ball in the net, but the midfielder was five yards beyond the last defender guest. Without even a minute, ending the race. There is much regret, the direct competitors have moved closer to salvation and next Saturday there will be a new battle against Roccasicura behind. Honor the Petacciato young, 90-91-92 all in the field, but this team is no small thing Esposito.

PETACCIATO: Tiseo, Bellisario (60’ Dervischi), Grasso, Recchia (77’De Curtis), Piazzolla, Pollino, Florio, Mancuso,Di Matteo, Esposito (80’ Esposito B.), Avallone
ALL.: Di Bernardo
VIRTUS MATESINA: Di Lullo, Venditti, Napolitano, Ricci (63' Scognamiglio), Santomassimo, Grillo, De Tato, Colapietro (78'Napoletano), Raucci, Stellato (46' Ibeh),Vecchio
ALL.: Tino

MARCATORI: 25’ Raucci (V), 35’ Recchia, 40’ e 57’Esposito, 90’ Mancuso

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Women Shaved Privates

Junior Regional: Virtus-De Sisto D. M. Santangiolese 0-3

MARCATORI: 9' Ricci (rig.), 22' Nocera, 87' De Sisto

Sunday, February 13, 2011

David Baldacci Wish You Well Chapter Summaries

Virtus M. Santangiolese - Kitchen 1-0

Victoria had to be at any cost, and that's what it was. Tino's adventure starts well on the bench Santangiolese. A goal on a penalty kick of the bomber Raucci, enough to bring home three points, leading the team out of the area play-out. We saw a good game, played at high speed, between two teams fighting for the salvation that have not been spared. For the hosts, full team except the suspended Vecchio. Guests who lose Castaldi, the captain, during heating. The race starts, and after ten minutes of study each other, are the Matese area to raise the pace. The 15th is already ball-gol: header Raucci, ball but powerful central block and Palumbo without difficulty. Two minutes later another chance for Virtus to move ahead. Free kick from distance Santomassimo, the ball bounces in area to two meters from the door, the door is covered, but sees the ball at the last second with a flash deflects for a corner. De Tato is the half-hour to devour a great opportunity, the more you put in hard to go wrong. On one side long foul, Raucci served than before with a great back-heel, sidesteps the defender and put an easy ball into the area for the blue-white captain alone shoot at one meter wide. 1:00 to 2:00 at the beautiful 40th-Raucci Napoletano, with the young striker that all matesino only at the edge of the area, do you anticipate at the time of the shooting.
began shooting and finally shows the cooker to be in the field, in fact the second tranche will host a benefit in terms of play and ball possession, but stingy with real scoring chances for the latter, but one of the 50 minutes. Certainly the most sensational scoring of the day: a free-kick from 25 yards Vitelli, that ball was deflected to the pole to beat goalkeeper, the ball bounces on the line without any player winning host manages the poor wretch, and then while he was about to end in comes a large inverted Venditto that literally saves the result by removing the ball from the door. Ate goals, scoring once. Change of front and ingenuity of a defender of the stove that serves Raucci, the attacker into the area, protects the ball, try to turn around and was brought down by Guazzo: penalty kick, but incredibly, the player is not being ejected from last man foul. The disk is the same bomber Campania ball very well and kicking goals advantage of Sant'Angelo. Goals from the Virtus and it's a little off the stove, also motivated by trying to break even, which won the field. Clement on the left is truly overwhelming and rivals are struggling to keep up with him, often resorting to foul to stop it. French is definitely the better of her, but in terms of incisiveness in front of goal, the cooker is not is the same day. Borrelli has a chance to walk between the 65th but his bias is largely up. With visitors in search of the projected break-even large open spaces on the premises, and 75 minutes by a long recovery, Gouache and companions are found unprepared. Raucci wins the ball and all alone from the frontline, flies straight into the goal. The occasion is the easiest of those, but the attacker tries to conclude with a power output Palumbo desperate that rejects putting the ball in the corner. It is not over because the newly entered De Bals 85th for a great goal just can not. Change of field improssivo for local host defense is poorly deployed, to kiss the cross and left outside Campania running from this other side of the field, attempts a shot from the edge of a flight of nearly pole just to the left of the goalkeeper. In injury time this happens that you should never see on the football field, surely an act of gratuitous violence. Full recovery in a few seconds after a foul by De Bals side receives the ball that is not a time to put on the ground that Apollonius, perhaps by anger over the game now lost, from behind with an unprecedented level of violence unleashes a kick 's incredible , affecting the exterior ankle room. The boy was taken to hospital running, and it is hoped that the injury is not as bad as it once appeared. The footballer was expelled right visitor and it is hoped in an exemplary punishment of the court in terms of sports-match ban .
E 'was a difficult race but the Santangiolese has been able to bring home three precious points in the standings precarious. Good game for the stove that has proven to be a good team that can widely be saved.

VMSANTANGIOLESE: Di Lullo, Napolitano, Venditto, Santomassimo, Grillo, Ricci, De Tato, Napoletano, Raucci (88 'Ibeh), Stella, Colapietro (70' De Bals, 92 'De Sisto) ;
ALL. Tino

Cooker: Palumbo, Maddalena (75 'Costagliola) Carnival, Gouache, Ergottino, Tortora, Clement, Apollonius, Borrelli, Bove, Vitelli
ALL. Castaldi

SCORERS: 55 'Raucci (pen)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Registro Do Lpso Pet Shop

PRESS RELEASE: New coach Carlo Tino

Virtus Matese Santangiolese The company announces that it has hired as the new first team coach Mr. Charles Tino . Pietramelara Originally, the coach has experienced numerous championships in Campania, and was also at the helm of several representative always in Campania.
The coach already Wednesday afternoon is working with the team, in view of the delicate challenge housewife with cookers next Saturday.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Do You Get Results From Zumba

PRESS RELEASE: Exempt Mister Ceriello

The company Virtus Santangiolese Matese, following the defeat on Saturday and experience of the precarious situation of the standings, announced with great regret that he dismissed as coach of the first team Raffaele Ceriello.
Mr. Al
be thanked for their commitment and professionalism and being made for doing a wonderful job with young people. A very nice person and I wish him well prepared to the best of luck in his career.
The first will be announced on behalf of nuovo allenatore.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Final Fantasy I Y Ii Dawn Of Souls Gameshark

Campobasso 1919 - Virtus M. Santangiolese 3-0

Si è maturata in una sconfitta la trasferta di Campobasso per la Santangiolese. Doveva essere la partita della svolta ma invece è arrivata un'altra batosta, la quarta consecutiva, con un passivo totale di quindici gol subiti e zero fatti in quattro gare. Si fa oramai sempre più difficile tirarsi fuori dalla lotta per non retrocedere. 
La partita parte subito con uno sprint for guests who seek to impose their game, but you can see at once that day is not, there are too many wrong steps, and the rush to score and win at all costs is committing too many errors in the Matese area. The Santangiolese looking for cues with long balls tips, but behind the Campobasso is unsurpassed on the high balls, especially with that stamp Ciarlariello Raucci throughout the match. The premises of the shed and play as it happened the first leg, the bands are bad, especially with Di Chiro who does good and the bad weather. That's him at 10 ', runs down from the band, is centered groped for the shot and landing is to the limit by Grillo. War goes on punishing the goalkeeper guessing the corner, but the barrier deviates head the ball. There is a fast counter-attack but the visitors do not take advantage of the unguarded door, Colapietro lost ball. The same Colapietro Raucci and just manage to put the ball on the ground holding onto apprehension in the rear of the house, and the 15 'right Raucci with a big shot in the area nearly a convenience, with the ball passing to two inches from the right post. The fire goes out immediately, because the guests by this action disappears completely, and the remaining half hour is all campobassana. At the 22nd comes local advantage. Old tinker too much with the ball on the frontline, out along the left and pressing Del Zingaro loses the ball. The attacking party ball and chain by centralizing and goes straight to the door, the defense guest sleeping and nobody comes out to oppose him. Once inside the area starts a left footed shot which passes under the hands of Di Lullo and bags in a network to zero. The goal broke the legs of Virtus, which is suffering a lot, especially on the flanks; Campobasso who eats three scoring. Single flash matesino Colapietro is nearly a tie to the 40th. Good action that prevents the attacker and pulls a sure Cinquino War but opposes turning a corner. Camp began the second half and immediately goes into the goal. Episode replays that is discussed. Launch blindly forward by the local host while the defense was going up almost at midfield. Vignone all alone, perhaps a few yards offside and the ball flies to take the door. All still waiting for the whistle of the referee but did not arrive and the attacker is a breeze Di Lullo jump out and deposit the ball in the net. Mr. Ceriello puts in De Bals Ibeh and then groped for the ranch. Well the two new entries that give a little something extra. Forcing the host, cause problems for local testing with Virtus we Raucci on two occasions. In the first well-served by Ibeh you anticipate leaving the War in the latter commits the goalkeeper from distance. Then comes the turn of that dissociates Colapietro, received the ball well but also adds to the side. On the right Ibeh Morena serious effort that often has to resort to foul to stop it. 80th good work De Bals left him a shot just inside the area, it seems goals, but war takes a hand in turning the corner to score the last hope. Santangiolese is all in the attack in search of goals, but now seems resigned to the 90th, with nine elevenths poured into the counter attack suffers Campobasso that brings to three the scoring with a shot of Di Chiro flight that goes off the network and terminating the final race.

CAMPOBASSO 1919: War, Del Zingaro Marco Morena Zone, Cinquino, Ciarlariello, Di Chiro, Di Lallo, Avignon (92 'Di Stefano sv), Pignataro, Del Zingaro Mauro (80' German sv)
ALL.: Lozzi
V. Matesino Santangiolesi: Di Lullo, Venditti (56'DeBalsi), Napolitano, Old, Grillo,
Santomassimo, De Tato (60 'Ibeh), De Sisto, Raucci, Stellato, Colapietro
ALL.: Ceriello

SCORERS: 22 'Del Zingaro, 50' Avignon, 90 'Di Chiro

Wranglers From Walmart

Junior Regional: Virtus M. Santangiolese - Roccasicura 14-1

Arriva una goleada per i ragazzi di De Tato. Sono ben quattordici le reti messe a segno contro i malcapitati under del Roccasicura. Ospiti che si presentano con soli nove uomini. Squadra di casa che ha tutti gli under a disposizione, compresi quelli della prima squadra; assente solo l'influenzato Napoletano. Virtus che se a completo ha un potenziale offensivo impressionante, che potrebbe far male a chiunque, figuriamoci al Roccasicura che ne fa le spese. Locali che si sono risparmiati sotto gli ordini del mister, per non umiliare gli avversari, altrimenti il passivo sarebbe stato di almeno una trentina di reti.
Palla al centro ed è già uno a zero. Azione lonely De Sisto with the ball enters the goal. No time to beat and Ricci takes the ball, jumps three opponents, focuses on making Sgueglia for the second goal of the match. Team orders and the guys try to run the ball and no more, no need to punish the opponent because the gap is less but you try to try and game plans for what it is less than a friendly match. The enthusiasm of the boys, however, is great and the 15th from a corner to get the shotgun to his head Sgueglia. On defense you fiddle too much and get the 20th goal of the flag for guests, with the striker who is left free to shoot on goal. Five minutes later there's a big bet on the number eight in the Roccasicura jumping Persiconi, si accentra dalla destra e con un sinistro a giro colpisce la traversa. Gli under matesini allora dicono basta, un pò di divertimento è stato concesso agli ospiti. Arrivano allora in successione 5 gol: 31esimo, azione di Di Nardo sulla sinistra in velocità, cross al centro e colpo di testa vincente di Napolitano.  Due minuti dopo tiro dalla distanza di Di Nardo che sfiora il palo. Rinvio dal fondo corto del portiere, stop di petto di Sgueglia e tocco dentro per De Sisto che fa 5 a 0. Il tempo di battere, e c'è una bella azione tutta di prima. Recupero palla di Vecchio, lancio largo a sinistra per Di Nardo, cross per la testa di De Sisto che appoggia dentro per Ricci che sempre di testa mette in rete. 40esimo: azione sulla band, yet another cross, this time low and De Sisto makes hat-trick. At the 45 th minute there is time for the eight goals: Di Nardo personal action that jumps like bowling pins opponents and puts it in with a diagonal left. In the second half Mr. De Tato made all five substitutions, and as flow time, men also removed from the field, coming to play in eight to nine people, but despite this superiority is always clear. The time to start shooting and neo Coppola entered is 9 to 1. Coppola spent five minutes and always skips 5 opponents and deposited the ball into net. The coach said he gets angry enough, and even a little strength because the kids want to score, when you do not humiliate the opponent. Nocera to sixty puts in with a conclusion of the eleventh power goals. Within five minutes interstardisce Coppola to score, instead of circling the ball as the coach asks, and scored two more goals. De Tato angry sends him to take a shower beforehand. On the exact 90th, no glory for relief seeks a goal to dedicate to the girl and finds him with a diagonal left. This challenge ends without a history, and the next day there will be a difficult trip to face in the D. De Sisto, fiery derby that promises.

VMSANTANGIOLESE: Scognamiglio, Riccio, Persiconi, Ricciardi (46 'Nocera) Langellotti, Napolitano (46' Box), Ricci (46'Marino) Squeglia, De Sisto, Vecchio(46' Coppola), Di Nardo 

MARCATORI:1' 34' 40' De Sisto, 2' 15' Sgueglia, 31' Napolitano, 36' Ricci, 45' Di Nardo, 47'  52' 65' 70' Coppola, 62' Nocera, 90' Sollo