Monday, February 28, 2011

Can You Buy Whippits At The Grocery Store?

Junior Regional Santangiolese M. Virtus - Virtus M.Santangiolese

Continue to run the pair head for the under matesino . Four goals for the Vairano hope to grab second place at least useful for the regional finals. The Santangiolese for reasons other than has a reduced bone formation, with only Di Rienzo on the bench, but stops the clothes and wearing the goalkeeper's jersey number 17. Vairano also counted with the players, and with different class '94 'and 95' in the field. It would seem obvious but a lot do not, in fact, get set, go, and guests have the advantage. Comes from an innocuous ball to score. Scognamiglio outgoing and Riccio do not understand, I'll take it, take you, instead emerges Rico who steals the ball from a tight angle and put inside. The home side did not appear in the day, and the first twenty minutes it can not produce the game. Guests do not conclude much, in fact, except goals, worries not ever Scognamiglio, but they defend well, giocano duro e agiscono di rimessa. Al 25esimo c'è la prima conclusione ad opera di Napoletano che si spegne sopra la traversa. Due minuti dopo ci prova Ricci ma il pallone è ampiamente alto. Al minuto 30 finalmente arriva il pareggio: calcio d'angolo, ne nasce una mischia in area, tiro di Riccio da due passi ma il portiere respinge col corpo, ancora Riccio ritorna sul pallone e mette dentro l'uno a uno. C'è il tempo di vedere un'altra conclusione spedita alta sopra la traversa, stavolta da De Sisto e poi al 36esimo arriva il vantaggio. Punizione dal limite defilata sulla destra, e sulla palla va lo specialista Vecchio che non sbaglia; la barriera salta mentre il calciatore è lesto a far passare il pallone rasoterra tra i piedi dei difensori e centrare the corner. The first part ends with the Matese is falling a little after the advantage, risking a little something behind. In the second half is a real battle against the goalkeeper White, a '94 class really interesting, that all para. To record the entry in the field of Di Rienzo (goalkeeper who must assume the role of striker for the occasion), replacing the injured Napoletano. The door seems haunted, they try with the succession of minutes several times both De Sisto, is Sgueglia, both old, but the conclusion is wrong. When your aim is just like the 70th Di Nardo from outside the box, we think to save the white door with a great speech. The third goal late in arriving and the other facing the Vairano nearly equalizer, not a little angry that Mr. De Tato. At 78 'there is finally a goal of 3 to 1. Sgueglia ball inside for Di Rienzo who finds himself all alone in front of the goalkeeper but stumbles to throw (you can see who is a goalkeeper ed), fortunately coming from behind in the race De Sisto, pushing the ball in the network without the intervention of White. Two minutes from the edge of Ricci and bag his fourth goal to close the meeting. The last few minutes are just melina to spend the time, and the referee sends all without recovery in the shower. Monday comes the game of truth, in fact it goes against Roccaravindola the first class. If you win you are still running, otherwise there may be healthy le fasi finali regionali. Vedremo...

Scognamiglio, De Vizio, Persiconi, Ricciardi, Riccio, Vecchio, Di Nardo, Ricci, Napoletano (46' Di Rienzo) De Sisto, Sgueglia

MARCATORI: 30' Riccio, 36' Vecchio, 78' De Sisto, 80'Ricci


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