Saturday, December 18, 2010

Eyebrow Waxing Burning

M. Santangiolese - Roccaravindola 3-2

Importantissima vittoria per la Santangiolese arrivata all’ultimo respiro di una gara dalle due facce. Primi 45 minuti where there was only one team in the field, the Roccaravindola. Local too bad to be true. In the second half was back true Santangiolese, which led by bomber Raucci, made her the match. Matese area that are on the field again reworked. Raucci, not the best for a grievance to quatricipite, is on the bench, like Napolitano, just back from injury. De Simone back in the field from the beginning, but without the minutes in the legs, back from a long sleep, too. Secondly, the absence of heavy Vecchio disqualified. Start the game and after the first few minutes of study, to take over the reins of the game the visitors after 15 minutes found themselves on the double advantage. At 14 ° Borromeo beats an insidious 20-yard free-kick, the ball bouncing into the area and after a veil of Valvona deceiving the goalkeeper, is then stuffed into the network. Not even a minute after Roccaravindola doubles wins Borromeo ball on the trocar and launches into the area, with a through ball on the right Sisti, which is very good to cross to the far post where Di Lullo can not reach. Virtus is clumsy legs, listless and inprecisa, definitely the worst performance seen from the beginning of the season. You can not create the game and you will suffer disproportionately, especially on the flanks where you pay a lack of experience of both under and Sollo Langellotti. Mr. Ceriello replace them after half an hour trying to shake up putting in a bit, De Bals, and risking Napolitano, who can provide a boost on the wing. Unfortunately the game does not arrive, and the only jolt of the first fraction is a free kick from distance which is good on Santomassimo Russian to ward off the ground. For the rest of the time, it's all Roccaravindola that it is dangerous in at least three circumstances in which Di Lullo is careful to disengage. In the second half another team takes the field, rather the team was expected in the first half, a bad Santangiolese and cynical, he plays ball on the ground than before. Mr. Ceriello into the fray to turn the former Raucci. The bomber field charging to his companions that become threatened several times by the parties in Russian. At 50 ° is la traversa a salvare il portiere ospite quando il classe '91 De Sisto (all'esordio dopo il ritorno per fine-prestito) in mischia si ritrova sul destro una palla invitante, ma la spreca colpendo il legno. Il goal però è solo rimandato di un minuto: sugli sviluppi di un corner è De Tato a toccare la palla che termina alle spalle del portiere. Il Roccaravindola è imbambolato e 2 minuti dopo subisce anche la rete del pari, sempre su calcio d’angolo. Questa volta è Raucci con un potente colpo di testa ad anticipare tutti e a rimettere le cose a posto. Grande è la gioia per aver recuperato una gara che sembrava già persa in partenza. Ma i locali non si accontentano e cercano una preziosa vittoria. Pregevole la giocata del giovane Napoletano al 60esimo, quando aggancia sulla sinistra un pallone impossibile, si accentra, rimane sul posto con una finta il diretto marcatore e dal limite lascia partire un tiro che a girare sfiora il palo più lontano. Al 65° però il Roccaravindola ha un sussulto quando Boromeo serve ottimamente in area Sisti, l'attaccante è tutto solo in area ma un grande Di Lullo dice no, deviando in angolo il tiro. E' solo un lampo,ed è tutto qui per la squadra di Berardi che non riesce più a rendersi pericolosa. Sono invece i locali a provarci e con il cuore si spingono in avanti. Al 73esimo buona azione sulla destra di Ibeh che sul lato destro si libera di un difensore e lascia partire un tiro-cross che attraversa tutto lo specchio della porta senza che nessuno dei his friends take advantage of it. Five minutes later a penalty kick to net matesino denied. De Bals receives a throw on the left, into the area, skip the last defender but was brought down at the time of the shooting, the race director is all set. Lively protests from the 82nd player who, targeted by the referee, it is even sent off for a word too. The game's over but it seems to get the goals for the ninetieth Santangiolese. Ball over the visiting defense on the trocar, Napoletano promptly launches Raucci, who go beyond the last defender, into the area, avoid the intervention of the goalkeeper to beat and sure shot, but Thomas Russo, who is on track with the dip in hand avoids the goals putting in a corner. The referee rightly gives the rigor and ejects the host defense. Raucci is in charge of the shot that displaces the goalkeeper and gives the victory to her. Great satisfaction at the end game for the locals who have won three points vital to the standings. Now you will return to play Jan. 9 with a difficult race in that of Sesto Campano.

VIRTUS matesino Santangiolesi: Di \u200b\u200bLullo, Langellotti (26 'Napolitano), Soll (30' De Bals), De Tato, Santomassimo, Grillo, Faiella (46 'Rauch), De Simone, De Sisto, Napoletano, Ibeh
ALL: Ceriello
Roccaravindola: L. Russo, T. Russo, Verrecchia, Ritella, Iannarelli, Valvona, Sisti, Borromeo, Di Pietrantonio (60 'range), Varricchione, Petrocelli (83' Marra) ALL: Berardi

SCORERS: 13 'Borromeo (R ), 15 'Sisti (R), 51' De Tato (VMS), 53 'and 90' rig. Rauch (VMS)


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